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trusted IP without login

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 11:08 pm
by TheCondor
Hi, i download the trial and seems a very nice app, usefull for integration with my Domoticz setup.
I just want to active motion trigger according my alarm system, so basically i want my domoticz script send this

http://BI_IP:81/admin?camera=CAMNAME&motion=1 (or 0)

but it fail because i didn't activate the plain text login, and i want do that because i will publish online this BI server. Anonimous login seems to lack this specific command support, i'm correct?
So now my question: it's possible to add this command, or better to add a PERMITTED IP for which password asking is bypassed?


Re: trusted IP without login

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 2:16 pm
by Ferguson
The Anonymous user can be set to lan only, though since it is an IP subnet based distinction it is a bit dependant on how you do remote access, but generally should allow authenticated access from outside and unauthenticated from inside. Look at the help when on the user page.

Caveat: I have all of a few days using BlueIris so take with a suitable grain of salt.