Broken w/ Update

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Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:25 am

Broken w/ Update

Post by iambyrdman »

I got updated to today but have now lost live streaming in the program. If I open the camera on my phone and change it's position I don't see the position change in Blue Iris unless I close and reopen the program.

What changed and can I change it back, please?
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 12:57 pm

Re: Broken w/ Update

Post by white434 »

I experienced a similar issue, but just a heads-up, I didn't actually discover the root cause. I have some stationary cameras and a PTZ camera. All cameras are FLIR brand. The stationary cameras were working most of the time, but I saw a few issues where alerts weren't triggered. The PTZ camera was my larger issue. Any time an object would pass in front of the camera, Blue Iris would report a I/O Error, freeze on that frame, and eventually restore video until another object would cross through the camera view. This camera has a view of a fairly busy street, so it remained in a frozen state most of the time. I reverted to version and behavior returned to normal.
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