Hello All,
Newbie here! Recently ran into an issue with BI5 not cutting BVR files into 2hr bits. Using a Reolink E1 Pro 4MP H264 only. Originally, set up for continuous recording and BVR files were cut every 2 hrs. However, after changing to continuous sub + triggered to save disc space, the files are being cut every 1 or 2hrs. Snaps of Recording Tab & BVR listing for camera attached. Please let me know more info needed & thanks for your help.
Seems to be working correctly as of 10/15/2024...Installed version - 10/08/2024
Cut or combine switches from 2 hrs to 1 hr randomly
Cut or combine switches from 2 hrs to 1 hr randomly
- Attachments
- File-List.JPG (145.13 KiB) Viewed 4598 times
- Record-Tab.JPG (74.98 KiB) Viewed 4598 times