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BlueIris and Codeproject AI

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 1:28 pm
by jensie
I launched the following models in codeproject.AI (which are indicated as green and based on the logs work)
Face processing
License Plate Reader
ObjectDetection (YOLOv5.6.2)
ObjectDetection (Coral) - TPU works and is detected (cfr. device manager)

The main reason why to move to blue iris from frigate, was the integration. After 2 days trying to make it work and following multiple guides on the internet, I'm not getting it to work.

Trigger, record and alert settings are attached.

I hope that someone can please point me in the right direction.

Re: BlueIris and Codeproject AI

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:00 pm
by pootug
How many zones are you using, as you have A-H unchecked so are you using them all including a hot spot.

Re: BlueIris and Codeproject AI

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:54 pm
by jensie
I'm using Zones A-C. I set the configuration accordingly. What would be the impact of it ?

I'm just not getting alerts and the triggering is flaky at best.

Re: BlueIris and Codeproject AI

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 4:11 pm
by mcvoss
I have a CodeProject question hopefully not hijacking this thread.

I have BI and CP working well. I have been using Yolo 5 (CP 2.34Beta), when I try Yolo 5.62 my cpu keeps pegging out at 100% where Yolo 5 it never goes above 20%. Curious any reason why it does that.

Another question, for the heck of it I changed the model size from Medium to Large. Doesn't seem to affect performance. Any advantage to keeping it at Large?



Re: BlueIris and Codeproject AI

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 6:48 pm
by jensie
Maybe you can help me in the meanwhile. What is your setup for your triggers and alerts ?

Re: BlueIris and Codeproject AI

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:42 am
by patrickm
Does the codeproject AI web dashboard show your models processing requests?

When you say alerts do you just mean in the BI software or do you want actual push alerts to your phone? Push alerts to the phone requires adding an alert in the configuration settings of the alerts tab.

Is the motion trigger firing at all? Can you click on a motion event, go into the status window, and then click on AI and look at the analysis to see any information there?

If you're not getting motion triggers w/o AI then you may need to configure that or use onvif alerts from your camera if available.

Re: BlueIris and Codeproject AI

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:52 am
by jensie
Let me try to answer your questions.

I'm not using any alerting on the phone yet as the AI models don't work.

On the motion trigger side, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I've attached the configuration of the motion configuration (I moved the method from vector to simple).

On the AI side, I've attached what happens with a motion trigger, but it doesn't get back to BI somehow.

I'm currently looking at the footage, and there is a lot of motion from cars or my cat moving around in our car park but no detection by BI. Not sure why it doesn't pick this up ?

Re: BlueIris and Codeproject AI

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:07 am
by TimG
OP: Your original post shows two object detection modules in use. You can only run one. Did you get it working ? This thread is getting messy :(

Re: BlueIris and Codeproject AI

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:41 am
by jensie
Hi Tim,

I already adjusted this and am I using only the ObjectDetection (Coral). This was a journey on its own, as you need to restart or re-install till it actually detects the TPU and

For the rest, I'm not getting anywhere. The overall detection is currently not working properly. So movements are detected, sometimes.
At the moment, it detects movement, it sends it to the AI and then nothing happens again...

Re: BlueIris and Codeproject AI

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:26 pm
by patrickm
Does CP.AI work when you manually pass images via the explorer?