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MQTT Help - Getting status

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 10:08 am
by znelbok
Hi All

I have BI working with Mosquito nicely and with my HA software but when I reload or restart the software the HA software has no idea of the current state of BI.

IS there a way to get BI to send a status without changing the state.

for example

publishing to topic BlueIris/admin/status with a payload profile=3 will change the profile and BI will reply on topic BlueIris/app/profile with the new profile (3 in this example).

Until I do this the first time, the HA software has no idea on which profile BI is using.

I tried sending with no number (payload just profile) and BI interprets it as profile=0.

How do I get BI to report the status without a change

This is the same for any query in BI profile, lock, signal cpu etc?


Re: MQTT Help - Getting status

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 12:37 am
by gwhiteman
Have you found a solution to this? I have a similar issue where I want Hubitat to check BI status before processing rules further.