Alerts Slow Loading

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Alerts Slow Loading

Post by RPM »

My alerts list loads slowly, 7-9 seconds. It is slow even when I select a single camera. I have adequate CPU and RAM, never using more than 40% of CPU and 30% of RAM. (NUC i7 11th gen 64GB RAM, both drives SSD, alerts on C, clips on D, AMD GPU so BI doesn't use it). I think the problem is the sheer number of alerts in my data (71K), because if I condition on the past three days, or even 7 days, alerts load rapidly. I only use the default sort (by date).

Is there a way to default to the past N days? Currently I see a select for today, but in the morning I typically look over the night's video, which isn't all available under Today, and moreover UI3 forgets the setting when reloaded. The past 24 hours would work well for me as a default as I can always change if necessary. I would need the selection available in UI3.

I do have a lot of cameras -- 13 -- and I record 2K continuously but at 5 frames per second, and motion sensing on the second stream at 20 FPS and 640x480, so from BI's perspective, I have 26 cameras. This works great except for the slow alerts loading. The problem arose after I changed to substreams and reduced the FPS of the main stream, because I have more than tripled the number of stored clips in 2.5TB of storage.

Based on the lack of reaction, perhaps this should be a feature request -- the possibility of setting a default of "Show last two calendar days" which the user can override if desired.
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Re: Alerts Slow Loading

Post by PaulDaisy »

I don't think 13 cameras at 2k plus duplicates at D2 is an overload for BI, although it seems to me as over-optimizing: I have 1080p substreams, and D2 substreams, and triggers switch to 4K on 13 cameras, and BI doesn't skip a beat on an old i7-4790k. So you probably have something else going on.

I noticed a dramatic performance improvement in all areas once I switched from H.265 to H.264. Could that be what you are dealing with?

Is the database rebuilt regularly?
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Re: Alerts Slow Loading

Post by RPM »

I have the database compacted daily, but your message made me repair it, but that did not solve the problem. I agree that resources are not the issue especially because the problem does not occur even if I condition on the 3 days of clips, though if I go back a week, I have ~4 seconds to load, enough time that I see "Loading 3 days" before the clips appear. So it does seem to have to do with the sheer volume of clips.
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Re: Alerts Slow Loading

Post by RPM »

Weirdly, the slow alert problem vanished recently. I've been on release since 1/15, but I didn't notice a speedup until yesterday, 1/20.
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Re: Alerts Slow Loading

Post by TimG »

I suggest checking AV exclusions as mentioned in the Help file.
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