reolink duo 3 displays at 1/2 to 1/3 speed in BI

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reolink duo 3 displays at 1/2 to 1/3 speed in BI

Post by bflorin »

Has anyone tested the reolink duo 3 w/ BI yet?

I picked one up expecting to have two feeds for left/right cameras, but its a single image now with two resolution options- 7680*2160 or 4096*1152. Max rate 20fps.

BI does not like the high resolution. The stream plays at 1/2 to 1/3 the speed. At 15 minutes, the live view can be up to 5 minutes behind. The lower resolution option doesn't have this time issue.

Tried the V2 recommended options but those stream urls are not valid on v3. Disabled overlays live, no motion detection, set constant rates, iframe 1, reduced frame rates. Nothing seems to improve the reduced speed of time at 7680*2160. Disabled all other cams in bi. System resource usage is minimal.

VLC handles the RTSP High res playback flawlessly. rtsp://USER:PASS@IPADDRESS:554/ Playing it side by side w/ bi, you can watch the time difference in the feed overlay. I've verified bi is using the same rtsp port by looking at the lan traffic.

Just wondering if something needs to be tweaked in BI code for this 7680*2160 resolution.

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Re: reolink duo 3 displays at 1/2 to 1/3 speed in BI

Post by iiisoblue »

I just installed a Duo 3 and it appears to be working ok.

On the camera configuration page I have Generic/ONVIF, *RTSP...., Receive Buffer = 20, Use RTSP/stream timecode = checked.

Video Max.rate: = "476191 [21.00 fps]" which is not on the list of options. I suspect it was imported from my previous Duo 2 config. Most likely you can choose the 25 FPS option, or you can copy and paste what I have.

Hardware decode: = Nvidia (RTX 4070 on a fast gaming computer).

Camera is configured with fixed frame rate and fixed bit rate (max) at highest resolution setting. Time overlay from camera in lower right corner.
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Re: reolink duo 3 displays at 1/2 to 1/3 speed in BI

Post by greenmtns »

bflorin wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:50 pm Has anyone tested the reolink duo 3 w/ BI yet?

I picked one up expecting to have two feeds for left/right cameras, but its a single image now with two resolution options- 7680*2160 or 4096*1152. Max rate 20fps.

BI does not like the high resolution. The stream plays at 1/2 to 1/3 the speed. At 15 minutes, the live view can be up to 5 minutes behind. The lower resolution option doesn't have this time issue.

Tried the V2 recommended options but those stream urls are not valid on v3. Disabled overlays live, no motion detection, set constant rates, iframe 1, reduced frame rates. Nothing seems to improve the reduced speed of time at 7680*2160. Disabled all other cams in bi. System resource usage is minimal.

VLC handles the RTSP High res playback flawlessly. rtsp://USER:PASS@IPADDRESS:554/ Playing it side by side w/ bi, you can watch the time difference in the feed overlay. I've verified bi is using the same rtsp port by looking at the lan traffic.

Just wondering if something needs to be tweaked in BI code for this 7680*2160 resolution.

Were you able to correct the lag issue in the Blue Iris live stream? I have a Reolink Duo 3V PoE with bad live stream lag (using current stable version of Blue Iris).
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Re: reolink duo 3 displays at 1/2 to 1/3 speed in BI

Post by rwarton »

I had this problem also, but with all three of my Reolink cams. Every time I clicked on a camera in the main BI interface to see the larger high resolution picture the video was always laggy. It was also laggy in the web interface when clicking on the camera to maximize the frame but not as bad. Then I found in my Unifi 48 port poe switch under ports where the camera is plugged if I turned on multi-casting the lag was gone in both the BI interface and the web interface when viewing a full screen camera. I'm pretty sure all switches have the multi-casting option, you'll just have to find the feature and enable it. If it helps great if not you can change it back. Not sure if this will help in your case, but thought I'd throw it out there.
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Re: reolink duo 3 displays at 1/2 to 1/3 speed in BI

Post by PaulDaisy »

Thank you, this is very interesting! I have been having lag issues with Reolink TrackMix forever, and it didn't occur to me to try to enable the switch multicast snooping. I enabled it now and will see what happens.
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