Moving Stored to another drive
Moving Stored to another drive
Can I move the Stored folder to another drive and have BI preserve the Stored clips in the list of clips for viewing? I have about 400 Gb of stored clips that I don't want to overwrite, and I want to make the folder bigger but it is presently on the same drive as New and making it bigger would eat into the size of New.
Re: Moving Stored to another drive
Isn't this logically the same as nuking a corrupted database and rebuilding it ? If so then you should be OK after moving the folder, updating the folder settings, and rebuilding the db.
I tend to do a full backup of the pc before I make big changes. It has saved me many times
I tend to do a full backup of the pc before I make big changes. It has saved me many times

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Re: Moving Stored to another drive
Thanks, it may be logically the same. But I am not clear about what the rebuilding of the DB does exactly: does it go through all BVR files and catalogue them all from the folder locations currently in the configuration? Does it also recognize if the BVR files were "protected" or not?
Re: Moving Stored to another drive
I'm afraid that is a question for Support 

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Problem ? Ask and we will try to assist, but please check the Help file.