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ALPR w/ Plate Recognizer Secret Sauce

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 7:33 pm
by lombana
I'd like to help anyone that has been having issues with the ALPR not working in BI 5, don't make the same mistake I did because 1 checkbox was the difference in it working and not working...

After setting up a profile on and importing the API key into BI and finally setting up the AI config at the camera level under TRIGGER, I found I was not capturing any plates, that was until I unchecked the "Only for confirmed vehicle alerts" box.

I guess that box is tied to DeepStack or Sentry Alerts but it's not made clear so once I unchecked that item, I started seeing Alerts with license plates in my alert window and hits on the Plate Recognizer website.

Thanks BI team, this is going to be a great feature for me.